Fort Lauderdale Negligent Security Attorneys
People are often injured in parking lots of casinos, shopping malls, and other public areas because the property owner did not have adequate security measures. If you are injured because of negligence by a company, you can hold them responsible. These injuries can be life-changing. Fort Lauderdale Negligent Security Attorneys can help you hold the responsible parties accountable.
For a free consultation, contact Vaval Law immediately if you were hurt on someone else’s property. We will inform you of your rights and show you how we can hold those responsible for your injury accountable.
Negligent Security Can Lead to Injuries
These cases often involve violent crimes such as muggings and rapes. Victims’ injuries may prove serious.
The victim might face:
- Broken bones: When someone falls to the floor, is beaten, or is accosted with broken bones may occur.
- Head trauma Traumatic brain injuries can be caused by being hit on the head or thrown to the ground and hitting your head.
- Gunshot wounds or stabbing – When someone is jumped or mugged in a parking lot, there is a high chance of a stabbing wound or stabbing.
These are just a few examples of the injuries a victim could sustain from a violent crime. Vaval Law has a history of holding at-fault individuals accountable for their actions.
Fort Lauderdale Negligent Security Claims: Damages You Can Include
Many victims of an accident are unsure what to include in a claim. The following are some of the most common damages people who have been injured in negligent security incidents seek:
- Loss of future and current wages – victims of negligent security should not be forced to pay for their medical bills. Individuals who are injured should include lost wagers in any negligent security claim. If a victim cannot work for a prolonged period due to injury, they should also have a claim for future lost wages.
- Future and current medical expenses – While many victims of negligent security may already have health insurance, copayments may be required by doctors before they can administer treatment. This is especially true if the treatment continues indefinitely. All out-of-pocket expenses such as hospitalizations, treatments, rehabilitation, medication, and equipment (such as braces) should be claimed by claimants. Those who sustain serious injuries may need ongoing care.
- Each victim heals differently and may require either temporary or permanent disability payments. Your ability to recover from injuries may be affected by age, physical condition, or preexisting conditions. If your injuries are severe enough to cause you to be disabled, you may have to pay the responsible parties for disability payments.
- Courts award punitive damages if the at-fault party engages in especially egregious acts. These damages can be discussed with your negligent security attorney.
Every case is unique, and each case will result in additional damages. Fort Lauderdale’s injury lawyer can ensure that your settlement request includes all possible compensation.

What is the value of my Fort Lauderdale Negligent Security Claim?
This question is not easy to answer. Each incident is unique and has its facts and circumstances.
The value of a claim depends on:
- The severity of injuries is essential. A victim who sustains severe injuries will likely need a lengthy recovery. The victim should seek significant compensation for lost wages and other losses.
- The medical treatment required for an injury will vary. A person who has broken their leg will need less medical attention than someone who sustained a severe injury.
- Age of victim – A victim aged 20 may be able to recover more quickly than someone who is 50. If the victim is younger, however, the loss of work will be more severe.
What is the maximum time I can file a Fort Lauderdale Negligent Security Claim?
Each state has its statutes of limitations. Florida is no exception. Florida law gives injured persons four years to file legal action from the date of their accident.
Even though it may seem like a long wait, it is essential to act quickly. Your attorney can’t determine the extent of your injuries until you have had the opportunity to see your doctor. This could take many months after an injury.
Fort Lauderdale negligence security lawyers can help you get the best results. A Fort Lauderdale attorney with experience handling these cases will ensure you meet all deadlines. You can now focus on your recovery and move forward after you have retained an attorney to help you. Vaval Law can assist you with your Fort Lauderdale negligence security claim.