When lip fillers go awry, the results can be both physically and emotionally traumatic for the patient. Complications may include severe swelling, infection, tissue death, allergic reactions, or asymmetry and distortion of the lips. In extreme cases, the effects may be long-lasting or even permanent. A person who has suffered harm from lip fillers gone wrong may have legal recourse against the injector or the facility where the procedure was performed, typically in the form of a personal injury claim and/or lawsuit.
To succeed in such a claim, you must demonstrate that the injector deviated from the accepted standard of care, such as by using an inappropriate type or amount of filler, failing to properly sterilize equipment, or not recognizing and promptly treating complications. You must also prove that this negligence directly caused their injuries and that they suffered damages as a result, which may include medical expenses, lost income, pain and suffering, and other related costs. In cases where the injury was caused by a defect in the filler product itself, you may have to pursue a product liability claim against the manufacturer. Navigating the legal complexities of a lip filler injury case can be challenging, making it crucial for patients to consult with an experienced personal injury attorney who can assess the strength of their claim and guide them through the legal process.